Amazing Special Offers Available!:
Powerful Universal Healing Witch Ritual!
Exciting New Offer!! Now only $10 for a limited time!!
Manifest an Intention with the Universe with the powerful Witchcraft and Magick of Diane Godin the Witch!!
Add your intention to Diane's Cauldron to receive powerful Healing, to manifest a Positive Intention, to relieve pain, sadness, loneliness or whatever weighs on you. Ask for Abundance, Success, good sleep, good health, something for your neighbour or friend!
The more people that add their names and Intentions, the more powerful the Healing becomes!
Diane will be Casting up Intentions to the Universe in the Burning Cauldron every night from Monday to Friday!
The most amazing part is that the incredible combination of Diane's Magick, Mystical ingredients, words and movements, together with your names and intentions....burned everyday... keeps your Intention flowing into the Universe over and over again!... and Diane's Intention of Healing keeps going out into the world to help others!
The cost to take part in this amazing, exciting and powerful Witchcraft is now only $10 per intention! (Limited time offer)
If you are interested in taking part, please contact Diane with your name and intention. Pay by e-transfer to Dianegodin66@gmail.com, and Diane will add your Intention to the Burning Cauldron!!
Click on the photo of the Cauldron to see it burning!!

Payable by e-transfer only. Call Diane before these offers end!!

Services & Rates

Qi Gong Healing Massage
This massage focuses on Yin and Yang, pressure points, helps circulation, nervous tension, knots and kinks, stress, and pain and more. Diane uses her gifts in Energy work to naturally combine with this technique to create a unique and powerful experience and Healing.
The cost of this service is $135.00

Reiki Sessions

Reiki restores Energy flow and balance in the body, provides Healing, and reduces stess, anxiety, and pain. Diane is an Advanced Energy Healer and Certified Reiki Master.
Reiki sessions are available in:
1/2 hour sessions at $80.00
1 hour sessions at $125.00
Now available: Same day appointments for 1/2 hour Reiki Sessions! Call today! All other services require bookings.
Healing of Plants & Animals

All things have Energy. Plants and animals can suffer from Energy inbalances in a manner similar to that of people. Essentially Reiki for plants and animals, this form of Energy Healing restores Energy flow and balance. Diane is fully certified in this form of Healing.
This service can be difficult depending on the nature of the animal to be Healed, as they do need to be stationary to some extent. This can be discussed before a session.
Contact Diane for rates for this service.
Meditation Sessions

Diane has developed a unique form of Healing Mediation that focuses on the Chakras and flow of Energy in the body. One-on-one guided Healing Meditation sessions provide relaxation, reduce stress, anxiety, and pain, and help those with panic disorders. These are also invaluable for anyone seeking more joy, fulfillment, and peace in every day life.
This service is available in person or over the phone.
1/2 hour sessions at $65.00
Remote Healing

Remote (or Long Distance) Healing is a powerful, proven practice in which the practitioner sends Positive, Healing and calming Energy to a client over distances. The client may be local, across the country, or international.
The cost for this service is $145.00
Cleansing / Smudging

Negative Energy in a home can cause a myriad of problems for residents, including health issues, mood problems, fatigue, and insomnia. Smudging removes this negative Energy.
Diane provides an intense and powerful Smudging. It involves the use of all of her natural gifts and abilities in various forms, including her ability to Read Energy, Psychic abilities, Shamanic abilities. and Witchcraft abilities. Diane is very experienced in this practice, and often receives messages from departed loved ones and Spirit Guides during a Cleansing.
Generally, a proper Smudging will take 2 or more hours to complete successfully. Rates vary according to the size of the home or space to be Cleansed. Contact Diane for rates for this service.
Counselling / Mentoring Sessions

Counselling and Mentoring sessions are offered for those suffering from anxiety, stress, and panic disorders, and for people coping with symptoms of Awakening. Diane also helps clients find their way to a more fulfilling and joyful life.
This service is available in person or over the phone.
1 hour sessions. Please contact Diane for rates for this service.

Psychic Mediumship
Services & Rates

Psychic Mediumship Readings

Diane is gifted with extraordinary and powerful Psychic Mediumship gifts that include Sentient, Aural, Visual, and Clairvoyant abilities. She is also an extremely gifted and powerful Energy Reader, Crow Reader, and Aura and Chakra Reader.
Diane does not require the use of any aids to perform Readings. She can tune into the Energy of people or objects by feeling or sensing elements of their past, present and future.
Diane is a Medium as well as a Psychic, and loved ones and Spirit may channel their Energies through her to provide messages for you.
New Price This service is available in:
1/2 hour sessions at $120.00
Spirit Card Readings

Diane offers Spirit Card Messages during which she connects with your energy, with Spirit, and calms, uplifts, and provides guidance for you. Diane gives a truly powerful message from Spirit that provides unique clarity for you. This is not a typical Reading, and will ease your mind like no other.
** This service is only available by phone:
You may have a 3 Spirit Card Reading for $25.00
or a 1 Spirit Card Reading for $10.00.
Card Readings

Using Cards for Psychic Readings is a traditional method where the client may choose a Reading about the past, present or future.
Diane is a Medium as well as a Psychic, and loved ones and Spirit may channel their Energies through her to provide messages for you.
This service is available in:
1/2 hour sessions at $85.00
SPECIAL OFFER ON PSYCHIC CARD QUESTIONS! Only $45! See the top of this page for details!

Diane's gifts in the art of Dowsing are unusual. One of her gifts enables clients to ask specific questions and receive accurate answers from Spirit Guides during the session. Diane also uses Dowsing in other ways, including the traditional method of detecting blockages in Chakras and Energy flows.
This service is available in:
1/2 sessions at $65.00

The art of Seance requires a talented Psychic Medium and powerful Energy Reader to ensure a safe and authentic experience. Diane is extremely experienced and knowledgeable in Seance. Participants will be guided through the process, and often receive messages from departed loved ones and Spirit Guides.
This service is only offered in a group venue. It is not possible to perform this service one-on-one. 5 to 12 people are required for a Seance.
The cost for this service is $95.00 per person.
Services & Rates
The powerful Healing Art of Witchcraft is Nature based, Spiritual, and Divine.
Witchcraft has been reclaimed as a source of Wisdom, Healing, and Self-Love.
Diane offers many Witchcraft Rituals and Spells for Healing purposes:

NEW: Witch Teacup Reading!!
Drink a cup of specially brewed Tea with Diane the Witch, and she will use her many gifts and Magick to give you a powerful Reading of the Tea Leaves that is unique and personal to you.
The cost for this service is $60.00
Removal of Negative
Spell & Ritual

This complex Ritual and Spell powerfully cleanses and grounds the client, removes negativity and any intention chosen by the client. Diane uses her gifts and a powerful "Blood of the Witch" potion to transform that Intention into pure Energy which she then powerfully sends out into the Universe.
The cost of this service is $85.00
The Burning Poppet
Spell & Ritual

A unique, powerful, Magickal and very complex Witchcraft Spell and Ritual that allows the client to have negative things removed through the use of Fire and a cauldron.
Diane uses her gifts, potions and herbs, and an intense series of activities to transform your Intention into pure Energy. She then powerfully sends it out into the Universe as flying dust. Diane completes this Ritual on her own later at night by burying any remains and the candle used in the Ritual. This Ritual provides an exceptionally powerful Cleansing and Grounding.
This is an intense Body Spell, and the client may feel various sensations during this Ritual.
The cost of this service is $260.00
Personal Cleansing Ritual

This Witchcraft Ritual provides a very deep personal Cleansing of Negative Energy and/or Forces. This is intense, rejuvenating, and extremely powerful.
The cost of this service is $120.00
Manifestation of Positive
Spell & Ritual

This is a powerful Ritual and Spell that manifests a Positive Intention chosen by the client for themselves, such as Happiness, Dream or Love. Diane uses her gifts and a powerful "Blood of the Witch" potion to transform that Positive Intention into pure Energy which she then powerfully sends out into the Universe to manifest.
The cost for this service is $85.00
Witchcraft Bowl Ritual

Diane conducts a Ritual during which the client puts forth one Positive Intention for themselves or a loved one. Diane then uses her gifts to transform that Positive Intention into pure Energy which she then powerfully sends out into the Universe to manifest. The cost of this service is $85.00.
** Diane also offers Group Witchcraft Bowl Rituals!! The Energy of the Group combines to create powerful Energy for Diane to send out to the Universe to manifest.
The cost for this service is $85.00 per person.
Burning Cauldron Ritual

New!! Powerful Universal Healing Witch Ritual! Add your intention to Diane's Cauldron to receive powerful healing, to manifest a positive intention, to relieve pain, sadness, loneliness or whatever weighs on you. The more people add their names and intentions, the more powerful the Healing becomes! The Cauldron is burned every day, and with the Magick of Diane's mystical ingredients, words and movements, the intention keeps on flowing , and Healing goes out into the world to help others!
The cost to take part in this amazing, exciting and powerful Witchcraft is only $20 per intention.
SPECIAL OFFER ON THIS SERVICE!!! See the offer at the top of this page!!
Service Consultation

If you are not sure which Service is right for you, Diane is happy to talk with you to determine which of her Services best suits your personal needs.
Cost of a 1/2 hour phone consultation is $45.

Method of Payment for Services
Accepted Methods of Payment:
E-transfer at time of booking, in advance of appointment.
Cash at time of arrival for appointment.